Family Pets Pet Shop
Family Pets Pet Shop
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Lily's Kitchen Organic Chicken Supper Carrot & Peas 150Gr


This delicious, complete recipe is made with organic ingredients: freshly prepared chicken, pork, beef and fish, together with carrots and peas. We also add in a selection of botanic herbs and all the essential vitamins and minerals your dog needs for a healthy diet. This naturally nutritious dish is certified organic, which makes it especially good for dogs with sensitivities. Organic Chicken (28%), Organic Pork (12%), Organic Beef (10%) Organic Fish (4%), Organic Vegetables (5%) (Organic Carrots and Organic Peas), Organic Spelt, Vitamins and Chelated Minerals Herbs & botanicals: Organic Alfalfa, Organic Cleavers, Organic Kelp, Organic Spirulina

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